Identifying Your Transfer Case

Transfer cases come in a variety of styles and specifications depending on the manufacturer, make and year of your vehicle. Even within a model number (for example, 246), you can have variations in the internal components that actually result in a different transfer case (246-1, 246-2, etc).

When you place an order with Transfer Case Express, we want to make sure you get the right unit. When we receive your order, we'll call you to verify either the assembly number or the VIN of the vehicle. With this information, we will be able to verify the exact model you need and we'll make sure that's what you get. There are two major types of assembly tags on transfer cases.

Style A - the series of numbers (and sometimes letters) in the line for "Ass'y No." is the unit's assembly number. The assembly number on the tag below is "2424-2560."

Transfer Case Assembly Tag

Style B - the "tab style" assembly tag is shown below. This tag contains similar information as the Style A round tag, only without the clear line markings. In the example below, the assembly number is "2L14-AG"

Tab Style Assembly Tag

If you don't have access to the assembly tag or if the tag is missing, you can also provide us with the full VIN of the vehicle and we can search for the assembly number. (Please note, we cannot currently search VINs for Ford and Mercury vehicles.)

By providing us with either the assembly number or the vehicle's VIN, we can ensure that you are getting the right transfer case for your vehicle. When ordering, you'll also want to let us know if there have been any conversions and/or modifications to the vehicle that impact the drivetrain.